Building a home sauna what should you be prepared for

Building A Home Sauna: What Should You Be Prepared For

The walls of the room, which will serve as part of the outer shell of the sauna, must be straight (a deviation of no more than 2 mm per meter of length); if the substrate is plasterboard, it should be "green" (GKBI, RBI), which better resists moisture. Ideally, also find out where in the wall the water and electricity distributions lead and where the aluminium sections are located.

Building A Home Sauna: What Should You Be Prepared For?

Before you buy a home sauna and let the workers into the house, you should ideally know in advance in which room you will build the sauna, where you will ventilate the air or where the existing electricity or water distribution lines lead. It will make the work easier for both you and the implementation company; you will also avoid having to come up with a solution at the last minute.

Read what is crucial when building a sauna.


Placing the sauna

Construction readiness for the installation of the sauna begins with choosing the room in which you will place the sauna. Most households choose a bathroom, hall or technical rooms, for example. But there are also people who install a sauna in their living room.

When choosing a room, keep in mind that the humidity of the walls and ceiling must not exceed 10%, and the atmospheric humidity in the room must not exceed 55%. This can be a complication, for example, in smaller bathrooms that do not have windows and cannot be ventilated well.

In general, we recommend that the room with the sauna can be ventilated occasionally by opening a window or at least using a mechanical fan.

When choosing a room, count with the size of the sauna, too výběru místnosti kalkulujte i s velikostí sauny. Calculate with a width of 70 cm per person; the height of most saunas is 210 cm. With such a height, you can comfortably place two tiers of benches in the sauna - the first at a height of 45 cm, the second at a height of 90 cm. Also, do not forget that the sauna door always opens outwards for safety reasons, so make sure it does not open into furniture or other doors.


Sauna walls and flooring

The walls of the room, which will serve as part of the outer shell of the sauna, must be straight (a deviation of no more than 2 mm per meter of length); if the substrate is plasterboard, it should be "green" (GKBI, RBI), which better resists moisture. Ideally, also find out where in the wall the water and electricity distributions lead and where the aluminium sections are located.

The floor is also important, as it must withstand moisture. A wooden or laminate floor is therefore unsuitable; tiles can also be problematic for saunas with wood-burning stoves, as the jointing materials are not resistant to high temperatures. However, you can solve this by putting a protective mat under the stove. If the floor is slippery, it is better if you cover it with a plastic or wooden grating.

If you have floor heating or other distribution systems in the floor, you should ideally mark in advance where they lead so that damage or drilling cannot occur during the construction of the remaining walls of the sauna.


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