Spinning classes spin class cork spinning cork women s fitness

Free spin classes online

This is an hour long class. You have a Spinning class for 45 minutes followed by ab work for 15 minutes. If you usually neglect your ab exercises then this is the ideal class for you.


Women's Fitness Cork

Spinning classes are a high intensity indoor cycling workout where the objective get to fitter, tone up and lose weight l at the same time*. Your entire cardiovascular system benefits from a healthy workout every time you come to class*. Each bike has a screen where you can keep track of your levels, rpm, watt, distance covered, calories burned so you can ensure you’re getting the most out of your workout. Each class will be varied from seated sprints to heavy hill climbs, endurance tracks all done to some of your favourite songs. The low impact nature of cycling style exercises like Spinning classes makes them ideal for anybody who suffers from knee or foot pain*.

Easy Spin

Easy Spin is toned down version of regular Spinning, the overall class will be less intense in terms of the levels and speed you will be participating at. There will be longer breaks in between songs. This class is designed to get you comfortable on the bike and with the different positions in Spinning. This class is designed for beginners or those looking for an easier low impact cardio workout.

Spin + Abs

This is an hour long class. You have a Spinning class for 45 minutes followed by ab work for 15 minutes. If you usually neglect your ab exercises then this is the ideal class for you.

All of our Spinning classes at Women’s Fitness are designed for real women with real goals. Spinning classes are an ideal starting point on your journey as there is no judgement or pressure put on you to go beyond your limits. When you start feel more comfortable in class and begin to increase your fitness levels* our trainers will motivate you to work even harder so that you keep getting the most out of your time spent in the gym.

Start your journey now. To join us here at Women’s Fitness, book a spinning class online or call us to discuss your options on 021-496-6904.

Start your journey today!

To join us here at Women’s Fitness, book a spinning class online or call us to discuss your options on